Silver Linings Playbook

8:18 PM

Finally I get to watch Silver Linings Playbook! I downloaded it online because I think it is not showing in Malaysia. So sad. Some good movies are not available in the cinemas here because they might not suit everyone's taste in Malaysia :(

Anyway, the main reason I wanna watch this movie is's nominated in Oscars. And the second reason is I like Jennifer Lawrence. I love The Hunger Games movie!! Can't wait for the Catching Fire!! Before watching this movie, I didn't know that the male main character was Bradley Cooper who was the main character in The Hangover series! After knowing it, it just makes the movie more lovable!

OK... nuff said about craps. Silver Linings Playbook is a rom com (romantic comedy) about a bipolar man and a sex addict girl. They met each other, helped each other and eventually they both fell in love with each other. Sorry I think I made this movie sounds so boring because I'm lazy to write a good synopsis about it since I'm not good at English. So instead you should refer to the synopsis in IMDB here . Check out the rating! It is 8/10 !

Poster of the movie!

It wasn't very romantic throughout the movie but it's entertaining because you get to know what kind of life a bipolar person is having. And of course the acting of Bradley and Jennifer is awesome! I need not to promote about Jennifer Lawrence because she has won the Oscars Best Actress! I just want to say that her acting in this movie is really different from Katniss in The Hunger Games! She is quirky, adult and vulgar in this movie! I like it! 

According to some movie reviews, this is the best work of Bradley Cooper! And even though I didn't know he was Bradley Cooper, I thought he was hot in this movie. Even though he is mentally-ill he is still HAWT! LOL. I also must say that, Bradley is 38 years old and Jennifer is 23 years old. 15 years gap MAN! but somehow I think it adds extra romance to their love story. Why? because I sometimes think that man in their mid 30s are sexy...I THINK I would date a man like that...on condition that he is HANDSOME, CHARMING and HOT of course! And also older men are more mature and considerate. At least that's what I think. 

Another thing I like about the movie --- I sensed some ambiguous relationship there (I have this thing for ambiguous love)! OK maybe not really in this movie. Bradley has fallen in love with Jennifer all this while but he didn't know or didn't want to admit to himself! I think that was romantic! But in the end, they had a happy ending that I super love!!

Do you sense the chemistry? 

Aww so romantic..... 

What I learnt from the movie? That the love of your life is someone who loves the way you are, not someone who needs you to change to a "better" you. One who is destined to be your love will do all the crazy things together with you! So, pay attention to people around you! You might not notice that there is someone like this all this while.

OK so that's it! my humble opinion about Silver Linings Playbook! Highly recommended movie!

UPDATE: They won the MTV MOVIE AWARDS 2013 for best male performance, best female performance and  BEST KISS!

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