A Random Post in My Holiday

6:06 PM

After hearing so many people praising the movie "Maleficent", my sis and I hit the cinema today since my mum was going Aeon Bt. Tinggi for her facial appointment! I was kinda afraid I'll get disappointment like when I watched Catching Fire last time so I kept reminding myself not to have high expectation lol. So in the end, the movie was quite good despite the uninteresting trailer!

I wanna confess, perhaps my main reason of watching the movie was to see Elle Fanning. At first, it was Angelina Jolie but then she's got too much exposure as in every poster of Maleficent was a portrait of her =_= In fact, during the movie I kept waiting and anticipating the appearance of Aurora! Then finally I saw the stunning Elle Fanning (haha it rhymes) and she's so gorgeous that I cried lollll. I guess the first time I saw her in a movie was in "Super 8", then " We Bought a Zoo". Always with that smile that I love very very much! Also, Angelina Jolie's performance during the scene when Maleficent's wings were brutally taken broke my heart!

BTW, what's with this revisionist fairy tale movie trend... I've watched "Alice in the Wonderland", "Mirror Mirror" and "Snow White and the Huntsman". All quite nice but not great. If you ask me what were the stories about I might take some time to recall. Anyway, I think Cinderella is coming out in 2015. I don't know who is the actress who's  going to act Cinderella, but when I googled about the movie images I saw Richard Madden (Robb Stark in GOT) and guess what? He's acting as Prince Charming LOL. Wth? I thought Prince Charming was a blonde?

Oh no, after I googled, I found that Prince Charming in the old Disney cartoon was not a blonde, but the one in Shrek's movie was. It mislead me!

Season 4 of GOT wasn't as good as Season 3 in my opinion. Just like Season 7 of Doctor Who wasn't as good as Season 6 lol. Talk about Doctor Who later :P I don't know whether it is because of my stress or what, I did not enjoy GOT as much as before... (SPOILERS AHEAD)  The only scenes that shocked me were perhaps when Jaime raped his sister beside their son's cold body and Oberyn's head crushed by The Mountain :(((((( I liked that dude. And the last episode I watched, which was the second last episode of Season 4, the whole 40+ minutes of episode I was just watching people (and things) killing each other, literally. (SPOILERS END) I'm not complaining, it was comparable to an action movie but I'm not a fan of that genre :) And I knew it was a very important event in GOT so okayyyy. However, they promise that the season finale will be the best among all the seasons o.O I'm doubtful that it can beat the Red Wedding. Anyway, hopefully I won't get disappointed.

About Doctor Who... Season 6 was perhaps my favourite season of all! Probably because Amy Pond came out and she became my most favourite Doctor's companion (because Amy is the prettiest and sexiest I reckon)! The first companion - Rose, I never liked her. She's so annoying when she didn't listen and got herself and the Doctor in trouble. The second companion - Martha, I thought she would be my favourite when she came in because she's smart and pretty as well, but then she's playing too safe when compared to Amy. The third companion - Donna, I liked her because she's funny! But she's not pretty :/ Now, Amy Pond, was pretty and smart and adventurous! So not fair to the others lol.  And the whole story of the Pond's family is just brilliant! Which was my favourite Doctor? At first I thought it would be the Tenth Doctor portrayed by David Tennant but when Matt Smith came out as the Eleventh Doctor I fell in love with him =.=

Now I've stopped watching Doctor Who temporarily because Orange is the New Black (OITNB)'s Season Two was out! And Netflix uploaded the whole series in one shot! Actually it was out since last week but I did not binge watch it because I spent half of my day playing The Sims 3 everyday =.= That, and doing stuffs for my research. So, I can't say anything about it for now coz I just watched 2 episodes. So far it was good and people who finished watching it said it's better than the first season o.O

I'd also watched My Love from the Stars once I finished my finals leh... Sadly I did not fall in love with Do Manager lolll. I like Chun Song Yi though... She's funny. Well, I guess Korean dramas don't really work for me... I don't fancy the Korean style (or Taiwanese) of presenting a love story. Better stick to English shows hehe. Hey, Korean dramas always make it romantic and mushy while English ones almost always involve sex, does that mean...?

Hahaha sorry for talking so much about movies and dramas. I've been wanting to blog about dramas since long time ago even before my finals but I didn't really have ample time to.

Haihhhhh why do we have to do elective and research thingy during our semester break? I hate it. Didn't really have a good rest since last semester's finals =.= After finals have to do elective, after elective have to start preparing for research. Our supervisor sent around 50 research papers for us to read and I still haven't finish it :X Now every morning I dread that when I open my inbox I will see MORE ARTICLES coming from her. GOD PLEASE NO. Even if I finish reading those articles I still have to do my elective report =_=. I know I can finish it in a day one... but that's not me... I like to do things a little at a time just like I like to eat slowly coz I don't like to stuff a mouthful of food xD For me, I think when I get too much of something at a time, I will get bored of it, or feel sick towards it in the case of food. True story. Once I liked ice cream so much that I ate it everyday and now I don't even think about it anymore. But if I've got the sudden oomph I may finish a task quickly lol.

Moreover, my relatives came to stay at my house for a week. Damn inconvenient as I'm not comfortable being around acquaintance. I just feel that the whole week I was so stressed, didn't even have appetite to eat. I guess I cannot relax around people lol. It's getting worse as I grew older. At least I was just shy when I was small. I'm a lone ranger lol. Well, they went back already so I have peace now lol. Can do whatever I want and sit in whatever pose I'm comfortable in xD. Oh, and when the new semester starts, I'll be going to share room with my house mate. I'm a bit worried that I won't be able to sleep well, especially when I have this allergy problem. The thing is I'll worry that I will disturb my room mate with my nose-blowing or coughing then this will cause anxiety and eventually leads to insomnia =_=. Sien lo. I'm better off being alone I think!

So, that's my holiday :/

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  1. netflix!!! frm where you got that? you streamed online? can dl de mar?


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