To be a smart person, or not to be?

8:44 PM


Hohoho you're right...if you're thinking about Jay Chou. Listening to Jay Chou's "oldies" (OMG we are so old already) and suddenly feel like blogging :)

Actually I have quite some things to blog but wanted to wait until I'm free. Well, feelings come and you can't stop it~ lol

Recently I just came to know that someone from our course failed the last semester! I assumed he also failed the resit coz he isn't joining us in this new sem. Well, usually I couldn't care less about who's failed lah but this guy...he's a JPA scholar! Hmm...was a JPA scholar. Yeah I think he's gonna have to pay back all the fees to JPA :/

I don't know him personally though. Coz my friends were talking about it during lunch and they said they're so grateful that, although they're not as brilliant/ genius as those JPA scholars but at least they never fail. This got me thinking: should I be grateful?

I've always wanted to be like them. You know...they seem to excel in studies effortlessly (I think not all of them). They are so hardworking and persevered - two qualities that I'm very eager to have LOL.) Also with their high cGPA and the title of "JPA scholar", they sound so cool lah and people will always respect/ be nice to them. Anyway, I guess I came into the conclusion that I wouldn't be grateful that I just managed to pass and not excel. I think I hate being mediocre. Just like in primary/secondary school, teachers will always remember the smartest/talented students and the naughtiest student while the mediocre students get forgotten.

But what to do, I think I'm stuck in being mediocre. Anyway, we must have positive thinking, right? Nobody knows what's gonna happen in the future so I will not lose the tiniest hope that I still hold on to. lol

Apart from that, acting smart is not always the 'smart' thing to do. I heard that seniors hate those smart juniors and they like to help those stupid juniors lol. This scenario can be happening in the workplace also. So the advice given by my friends to me is: act like you don't know anything when you enter the workforce. =.=

You know the ironic thing is, I wanted to be one of those smart people because I thought people like to approach them... I believe it is true what... For example in uni, people always like smart students to be in their groups, and thus they try to know as many smart friends as they can. And me...I keep being ignored lah.

I don't know lah... This world is so complicated...I don't want to be an adult T.T  lol. I think the answer to my blog title would be: Be a smart person but act like you're not one! ;)

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  1. ya, agree, the world aint a simple one.. being deceiving cud b a way out, who knows? growing up is actually a process of self-realization.. there are more to come, be prepared.. wish you luck :)


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