
Study Week

6:59 PM

This study week has been an eventful one.

The biggest event would be the passing away of my grandfather, although it didn't feel overwhelming. It all happened so fast that it just felt like an ordinary event :/

Then, there was an incident where my dog was "giap"ed by the auto-gate o.O and the flare-up of my allergic rhinitis wtf!

I want to blog about the funeral as thoroughly as possible because it was quite interesting I must say. However, due to this event I'm afraid I couldn't finish my revision on time. I don't like to do last minute revision so I'll have to delay the blogging. Hope I'll still remember most of the stuff I want to write!

As for my allergy, I've finally succumbed to medication =_= I really cannot afford to be awaken by cough every night, especially not during my study week! So the next day after the funeral procession, my dad brought me to the pharmacy to buy supplements and my allergy med. While we were there, I confirmed with the pharmacist that I'll be doing "internship" there for 3 weeks during my Semester break.

I innocently expected the antihistamines to work miraculously =.= I thought once I take it all the discomforts will vanish (heh, pharmacist kononnya ._.). But luckily, the antihistamines did work! I think I could only feel the effect on the second day. I CAN FINALLY SMELL SOMETHING! Still, I woke up during the night; not from coughing, but I don't know why I woke up (woke up just for a while then went back to sleep, before I took the med I woke up and cough for A FEW HOURS then only can sleep).

That's all for now... I would like to blog more about the funeral and my allergy in separate posts.

PS: RIP my kind grandfather.

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