I miss the old Maple very much.

9:10 PM

Yesterday, I played back MapleSEA just because I listened to Maple's background music. Then I realised I miss my childhood SOOOOO much. I've grown up and I don't like it. Why do we have to lose our innocence as we grow? We used to believe we can be everything. We played Police and Thieves, Doctor and Patients, Restaurants, etc. My number one ambition was always doctor, until when I was...I don't know...15? When I was younger, I was so proud of myself - I didn't have to put much effort to get number one in my whole Standard 3 cohort and also in my Form 2 cohort. Haha. Now I know that it was nothing worth to be proud of - As I grow older, I lose my confidence bit by bit and eventually it reaches a point where I don't know a single thing I'm good at, which is now.

Anyway, I wanted to talk about Maple so let's start. Maple is completely different now!!! It's like a new, unfamiliar place to me! Sien...Then I play back Maple for what?!! LUCKILY I'd saved some pictures of my old times!! Arghhh everything becomes SO DAMN EASY now! I feel like I'm playing some pirated server! Last time, we have to train like FOREVER to get to lv100. I had to train non-stop for around 8 hours to reach lv17 only. Yesterday, I only played in the morning and at night and I already reached lv48. As we all know, I'm very lazy so of course I did enjoy the easiness. But only until when I reached lv50 where I can join Ludi PQ, I was startled with disbelief.  I'll come to that later. Old maplers, do you remember KERNING PQ?

Kerning PQ
Yeah...It was the first PQ we all did (during lv21-30, I think.) Kerning PQ still exists in the new Maple now  but it has been changed to lv50 above and I haven't tried it yet. And not to forget, LUDI PQ.

Ludibrium PQ
In the past, channel one was always very crowded and it was very hard to find a party for Ludi PQ. In contrast, there were less than 10 people in channel one now and it was easy to get inside the PQ. It's not like the old times where we have to choose carefully our party members, to ensure that we have all the jobs required - and we could take hours and hours to form a perfect party until some members started to complain about the time wasted. - The party used to consist of 6 members but now a minimum of 3 members is enough. I remember last time it was very hard to get into a PQ because every channel was occupied by other parties - we even had to spam-click the NPC when the party inside was coming out because there were other parties competing with us to go in also! - But now, haizzz so easy to go in liao! And GOSH the quest became SO DAMN EASY also!! WTF HATE!! Like within 10 minutes can finish! Almost no teamwork is needed! My point is, what's the fun of PQ if no teamwork is needed?!

I went to Orbis just because I wanted to see the place where I used to have Orbis PQ but I couldn't find it because there's no more Orbis PQ, I think.

Orbis PQ

Hahaha I'm so glad that I took this picture!!! Someone suggested that we sat together like a lump of shit so that our opponent party (Well, long story: The opponent party was inside the PQ. They might send spies out to record our names so that when we got in, they can track our name as in, check our location. And by tracking us, they can predict what time we will come out. Then they can prepare to spam-click the NPC to get in.) cannot see our names. Hahaha it was useless actually, the opponent party can still get our names. I also remember that we used to smuggle tickets out from PQ hahaha.

Ahh...I strongly believe that the society's has changed, be it real-life or game. Everything has became so easy and so robotic. I think that's why I've lost interest in playing games anymore.

UPDATE: I realised there is Orbis PQ in the "new" MapleSEA but it's requisite has changed to lv50 above! Also became very easy to do.

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  1. Hello,

    Orbis QP is not gone, it moved to "Party Quest Entrance: Intermediate".

    Lots of PQs have moved to
    -"Party Quest Entrance: Beginner" (Level 50 and above)
    -"Party Quest Entrance: Intermediate" (Level 70 and above)
    -"Party Quest Entrance: Advanced" (Level 120 and above)

    You need to travel through the Dimension Mirror to get there (you'll find it in towns).


    1. lol thx I've found out later after I wrote this blog =3=. OMG If you see this, who are u???


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