The Most Tiring Exam Ever, Maybe?

1:48 AM

I said this semester had the least subjects and the longest time of study week... However, I don't know why it became the most tiring exam ever @@ Not only me, others thought the same too. I suppose this is the semester that I really studied ALL the notes if I'm not wrong! Still, I had to reread ALL of the notes one day before the actual exam of each subject because you'll never remember what u read during the study week, those drug names and all.

I can't believe I actually had insomnia at one night. I never had insomnia because of exam. I wasn't thinking about exam at all! Perhaps in my subconscious I'm worrying about the exam coz I couldn't finish the notes o.O   I couldn't sleep and so I woke up and study. Eventually I just slept 1 hour ++! My highest record of least sleeping time! The next day I had to study for the next subject again but I was so tired, like eyes tired and mentally exhausted. I tried to have a nap during the afternoon but I managed to sleep like, 15 minutes only? Coz I just woke up suddenly and couldn't go back to sleep again. WTH? Then I was so worried that I might died suddenly u know... like those people who died because of playing video games for few days without sleep. Hahaha.

So I studied with eyes half-opened, damn torturing. Okay luckily I think I can pass all the exams la... WTH stupid studied so hard still cannot get A? Everyday like study for at least 12 hours zzz

Anyways! During the long study week I got a little bored of studying so...

Mohawk Dog!

I just used some water to style that hair/fur lol

Why her pose all same one??? Couldn't get a pic of her front face!

And then weekend I didn't go home because dad went to China again and I needa study anyway. On Sunday afternoon I went downstairs to buy lunch. Guess what I encountered.


Apparently, not only our batch was having exam. Our juniors were also having their exam! So, in that Sunday afternoon when nobody else was selling food except this mixed rice truck, everyone came down to buy food once they announced their arrival in their FB page lolol.

And on that day itself at night when I was studying like there's no tomorrow, suddenly I heard a LOUD BOOM I literally thought it was a bomb. Then I looked out the window I saw this:

 Hahahaha perfect view from my window eh! (You know, my window is just facing the big blue sky. So sometimes I can stare at the clouds and daydream.) That's what fireworks supposed to be! Not some cheap fireworks played by some cheap people. I think the fireworks was for the Shout Awards 2013? BTW during afternoon there were noises (car drifting sounds!) coming from Stadium Bukit Jalil so annoying I think everyone trying to study in hostel cursed them.

Hehe and I received a call from my mum saying that she can come and fetch me home after my exam finish. Instantly cheered up and motivated to study! lol. If not I don't know what am I going to do for the 5 days staying at hostel for nothing.


We went for some shopping, a movie and seafood steamboat buffet.

At first we wanted to watch INSIDIOUS 2!!! But shyt no more nice seats. Then we watched Carrie. Not bad but can just watch online lah.

We went to the Shabu One restaurant we bought from Groupon a month ago. Quite excited coz it's my first time eating seafood buffet. Hmm overall is good. Just the light was dim though :(

First round

Wah...this one super nice but I don't know what is it called.

So many seafood!

We were kinda eating like savages. Coz I saw like only our table was so messy =.=

Before we left.

But how can blame us? We haven't eat anything decent for the past one week! So kesian until I had to force feed myself the awful cafeteria food (it's like can vomit that kind) so that I have enough nutrition for my brain.

I was quite tired during the movie and shopping time,  but after eating I'm all semangat already! Even now, I don't want to sleep yet I wanna watch drama hahaha. Mum's going to pick me up tomorrow morning and head over to Jusco for member's day! Yippie this Friday can watch "Dad Where Are You Going" on TV liao!

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  1. wah.. means starting today you'll be super super free already lar?? *jelly*
    on a separate note, do you know reading your post would always make me laugh? i mean, the way you express it.. haha

    1. Really? I don't know I'm so "funny" one...haha. Glad that i can make u laugh :P


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